Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sacred Cows are engaged with looting

“Cat is finally out of bag”, Headline of a Newspaper goes. Remarkable with the usage of Cat than its plural form (They can claim on the preference of originality of the proverb). But one can wonder on the number of cats in the same bag (or on the other from stock)

A warm solute to the whole Indian Ladies Cult – as my token of appreciation to their strength and, though bit late, for realizing the capability to withstand and to show the power of resilience. Maybe a beginning; but whole an ocean to be cruised further!

To dig out some outstanding persona, Nira Radia comes first; With her widespread, deep-routed network from the blocks of north to south and her access to full information, a truly remarkable figure. When the situation flipped to the verge of an arrest scene; with nagging CBI behind, she caught the earliest flight to London in February. The Raja in hand, why to worry?

Raja and Rajadhani are safe!

With the NRI tag, and a crown of the one and all of 4 Consultancies established in India, since 2000, Nira did her homework shrewdly – searched all pensioned bureaucrats, retired white elephants, and sent a lorry to their doorsteps; unloaded them in her Consultancy go-down.

Bureaucrats are normally greedy; then what to say about the retired one. They were asked to bend; they kneeled themselves. Results unfolded rapidly (it has to be reminded that, because of these snail footed bureaucrats, many Indian citizens have a far-reach to their well-deserved food and butter).

As always been, poor India pick pocketed badly!

9 Consultancies pumped 1,00,000 crore to their pocket; with Nira Radia’s 4 Consultancies pie-up to 44.44 %

Who did engage to share these lion part of Indian wealth? May be sound like a naïve, useless query. But whom to be looked on to get a convincing answer ?
Media ! My god !

Now all are naked in this POND !, waiting for the next low-tide.

Media, a crumpled Grocery by itself (With the “Grocery” term, self-descriptive).
Everything is inside – dumped; no space for a grain of sand.
Grocery is safe place for Rats; but for snakes too!

Every one – Bureaucrats, Politicians and media gloved their hands with Corporates, looting Public funds.

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